Comunidad mundial de fans de La Calle 13 Espiritu Latino
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Comunidad mundial de fans de La Calle 13 Espiritu Latino
Estamos esforzandonos dia a dia para ser tu mejor opcion para saber mas de esta gran agrupacion llamada... "La Calle 13" a la vez que se comparten cosas con varios fans de todas partes del mundo.

Aviso: A finales de marzo, todos los usuarios con menos de 4 mensajes, seran dados de baja.
Comunidad mundial de fans de La Calle 13 Espiritu Latino
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Mensaje  Invitado Vie Jul 31, 2009 3:54 pm

After taking over the world of music with their hypnotic urban Latino sound, the Puerto Rican duo behind Calle 13 will be premiering their first film of their recent travels to South and Central America. The Grammy-Award winners will be presenting their documentary, titled Sin Mapa, at the New York International Latino Film Festival (NYILFF) where fans can have a first look at what they experienced on the journey of knowledge. Like the film, “without a map” is a good way of describing artists Residente and Visitante. They successfully took to the streets of other countries and met with natives on their home grounds far from civilization to learn firsthand about music and how it differs from what the media teaches us. As a major alternative Latin group, Calle 13 always present their musical projects in the most unexpected ways. As a result, they have stamped themselves with an original style not capable of being duplicated.

Today, Calle 13 is looking to share what they learned, the places they went, and the people that know the roots of our favorite musical genres. Whether here in the U.S. or in South America, Calle 13 proves in Sin Mapa that Latinos all share a common bond that goes beyond race. We had the privilege of speaking with Residente about the group’s life changing trip, how their music is evolving, and whether they’re ready to conquer the film industry.

nocheLatina: You filmed a documentary called Sin Mapa. Tell us a little about this film.

Residente: It started like an educational thing. I wanted to learn more about Latin America. That’s why I traveled, to connect with people in those regions. I wanted to take this trip so people can see and understand the journey.

nocheLatina: Who came up with the idea to travel and film this?

Residente: I came up with the idea. Initially, the idea was just to travel and learn. It would show a lot of the music and how they’re mix with different instruments to create a unique touch. I thought that we could use this to inform others.

nocheLatina: What were some of the things that you learned during this trip?

Residente: Every country has a different dialect, different stories, landscapes, and sounds. Those are the things that connect us. That mix, not fusion, adds to the music in all of Latin America.

nocheLatina: What were some of the more interesting places you visited during this journey?

Residente: Every place is interesting. We rode by horse in Peru. We were in the middle of a lake on one of the highest locations in the world, at least 12,000 feet, which was great.

nocheLatina: Did you feel the spirituality of the places you went?

Residente: Not really, you feel what you want to feel. It was more about peace and learning for me.

nocheLatina: Tell us about some of the differences in musical styles for each country you visited?

Residente: I learned more from the indigenous people. I love it. The land to them is a matter of respecting it. I learned that musically you have so many different cultures in one country. For instance, in Colombia you have one area which contains an African community. In Nevada you also have indigenous groups, or Lebanese in another. There’s so many cultures in one place.

nocheLatina: Do you feel you have expanded your knowledge by traveling abroad as opposed to spending your early years in one island?

Residente: I always wanted to travel. I didn’t have the money or the time then. Now I have the money to travel to places. I felt that I needed this to have more credibility in my lyrics.

nocheLatina: How different is the music in South America?

Residente: I knew some of the music because in Puerto Rico you have African heritage. Some music was similar, but in Colombia you had a different cuadannado. In Peru, los Charrango was just like in Argentina, along with different parts of Colombia and Mexico.

nocheLatina: Were you seeking anything in particular during this journey?

Residente: I was looking for the real world to educate myself. I disconnected myself from the outside world. I needed that.

nocheLatina: What do you hope people take away from this film?

Residente: I think music serves as information. People can take what they want from it. Historically, we are not telling a story. It’s a film-our first. It’s not even a documentary really. It’s more like information we are putting out.

nocheLatina: How were some of the ways you traveled?

Residente: Sometimes we traveled like immigrant style, crossing borders. Sometimes we went by train or car. We walked often. There were some dangerous times which were not recorded, where security was tighter. In some places we had to get permission, but it was generally not a problem.

nocheLatina: How do you feel about your first film effort?

Residente: I feel it’s a good effort for a first film. I recorded it for people to watch. I am writing for another project. I would like to do more films. I didn’t direct this one. Instead, I narrated and put in some ideas. Keep in mind that it was an unofficial first time for me.

nocheLatina: What is the final word on this project and the impact you hope to make with it?

Residente: I hope that Sin Mapa can give inspiration to other groups. This film may also help in bringing more interest to our new album and giving us chances to do more shows. I believe Sin Mapa will allow us the ability to express ourselves without boundaries.



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Mensaje  PARDO Vie Jul 31, 2009 9:25 pm

Después de tomar el mundo de la música con su hipnótico sonido latino urbano, el dúo puertorriqueño Calle 13 detrás se estrenará su primera película de sus recientes viajes a América del Sur y Centroamérica. Los ganadores del Premio Grammy, será la presentación de su documental, titulado Sin Mapa, en el New York International Latino Film Festival (NYILFF) donde los aficionados pueden tener un primer vistazo a lo que experimentó en el camino del conocimiento. Al igual que la película, "sin un mapa" es una buena manera de describir los artistas Residente y Visitante. Éxito que se lanzaron a las calles de otros países y se reunió con los nativos en su casa lejos de la civilización motivos para aprender de primera mano sobre la música y en qué se diferencia de lo que nos enseña los medios de comunicación. Como una de las principales alternativas latín grupo, Calle 13 siempre que presenten sus proyectos musicales en la mayoría de maneras inesperadas. Como resultado, se han sellado con un estilo original no puede ser duplicado.

Hoy en día, Calle 13 está buscando a compartir lo que aprendieron, los lugares que iba, y la gente sabe que las raíces de nuestros géneros musicales favoritos. Si aquí en los EE.UU. o en América del Sur, Calle 13 demuestra en que los latinos Sin Mapa todos compartimos un vínculo común que va más allá de la raza. Tuvimos el privilegio de hablar con Residente sobre el cambio de vida del grupo de viaje, ¿cómo está evolucionando su música, y si está listo para conquistar la industria cinematográfica.

nocheLatina: Usted filmó un documental llamado Sin Mapa. Cuéntanos un poco acerca de esta película.

Residente: Empezó como una cosa de educación. Quería aprender más acerca de América Latina. Esa es la razón por la que viajó, para conectar con la gente en esas regiones. Quería aprovechar esta visita para que las personas puedan ver y entender el viaje.

nocheLatina: ¿Quién tuvo la idea de viajar y esta película?

Residente: me ocurrió la idea. Inicialmente, la idea era viajar y aprender. Que muestran una gran parte de la música y cómo se mezcla con diferentes instrumentos para crear un único toque. Pensé que podríamos usar esto para informar a otros.

nocheLatina: ¿Cuáles fueron algunas de las cosas que usted aprendió en este viaje?

Residente: Cada país tiene su dialecto, diferentes historias, paisajes y sonidos. Esas son las cosas que nos conectan. Esa mezcla, no la fusión, se añade a la música en toda América Latina.

nocheLatina: ¿Cuáles fueron algunos de los más interesantes lugares que ha visitado durante este viaje?

Residente: Todo lugar es interesante. Rodamos a caballo en el Perú. Estábamos en medio de un lago en uno de los más altos lugares en el mundo, por lo menos 12.000 pies, que era grande.

nocheLatina: ¿Has sentido la espiritualidad de los lugares en los que ha estado?

Residente: No realmente, se siente lo que quiere sentir. Es más acerca de la paz y el aprendizaje para mí.

nocheLatina: Háblenos de algunas de las diferencias en los estilos musicales de cada uno de los países que ha visitado?

Residente: he aprendido más de los pueblos indígenas. Me encanta. La tierra para ellos es una cuestión de que se respete. Me enteré de que musicalmente tiene tantas culturas diferentes en un solo país. Por ejemplo, en Colombia tiene un área que contiene una comunidad africana. En Nevada, que también tienen los grupos indígenas, o en otro Líbano. Hay tantas culturas en un solo lugar.

nocheLatina: ¿Piensa que se han ampliado sus conocimientos en lugar de viajar al extranjero a pasar sus primeros años en una isla?

Residente: Siempre quise viajar. Yo no tenía el dinero o el tiempo entonces. Ahora tengo el dinero para viajar a lugares. Sentí que necesitaba para tener más credibilidad en mi letra.

nocheLatina: ¿Cómo es diferente la música en América del Sur?

Residente: Sabía que algunos de la música en Puerto Rico, porque usted tiene herencia africana. Algo de música es similar, pero en Colombia que tiene un cuadannado diferentes. En el Perú, los Charrango era igual que en la Argentina, junto con las diferentes partes de Colombia y Mexico.

nocheLatina: Si usted busca algo en particular durante este viaje?

Residente: que estaba buscando el mundo real para educar a mí mismo. He desconectado mi mismo del mundo exterior. Necesitaba eso.

nocheLatina: ¿Qué espera la gente fuera de esta película?

Residente: Creo que la música sirve como información. La gente puede tener lo que quieren de ella. Históricamente, no estamos contando una historia. Es una película-la primera. Ni siquiera es un documental realmente. Es más como información que estamos poniendo a cabo.

nocheLatina: ¿Cómo fueron algunas de las maneras en que usted viaja?

Residente: A veces viajamos como inmigrante estilo, paso de fronteras. A veces fuimos en tren o en coche. Caminamos a menudo. Hubo algunas veces peligrosas que no fueron registrados, en donde la seguridad es más estricta. En algunos lugares hemos tenido que obtener el permiso, pero en general no un problema.

nocheLatina: ¿Cómo se siente acerca de su primera película esfuerzo?

Residente: Creo que es un buen esfuerzo para una primera película. Me lo grabó para que la gente pueda ver. Me dirijo para otro proyecto. Me gustaría hacer más películas. Yo no directamente éste. En cambio, narrado y establecer algunas ideas. Tenga en cuenta que se trataba de un oficial primera vez para mí.

nocheLatina: ¿Cuál es la última palabra sobre este proyecto y el impacto que espera hacer con él?

Residente: Espero que Sin Mapa puede dar inspiración a otros grupos. Esta película también puede ayudar a atraer más interés para nuestro nuevo álbum y que nos da la oportunidad de hacer más espectáculos. Creo Sin Mapa permitirá la capacidad de expresarnos sin límites.
Usuario Activo
Usuario Activo

Cantidad de envíos : 1354
Edad : 32
Localización : Tampico,Tamps.
Fecha de inscripción : 02/12/2008

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Mensaje  Invitado Sáb Ago 01, 2009 7:25 am

violetacalle13 escribió:After taking over the world of music with their hypnotic urban Latino sound, the Puerto Rican duo behind Calle 13 will be premiering their first film of their recent travels to South and Central America. The Grammy-Award winners will be presenting their documentary, titled Sin Mapa, at the New York International Latino Film Festival (NYILFF) where fans can have a first look at what they experienced on the journey of knowledge. Like the film, “without a map” is a good way of describing artists Residente and Visitante. They successfully took to the streets of other countries and met with natives on their home grounds far from civilization to learn firsthand about music and how it differs from what the media teaches us. As a major alternative Latin group, Calle 13 always present their musical projects in the most unexpected ways. As a result, they have stamped themselves with an original style not capable of being duplicated.

Today, Calle 13 is looking to share what they learned, the places they went, and the people that know the roots of our favorite musical genres. Whether here in the U.S. or in South America, Calle 13 proves in Sin Mapa that Latinos all share a common bond that goes beyond race. We had the privilege of speaking with Residente about the group’s life changing trip, how their music is evolving, and whether they’re ready to conquer the film industry.

nocheLatina: You filmed a documentary called Sin Mapa. Tell us a little about this film.

Residente: It started like an educational thing. I wanted to learn more about Latin America. That’s why I traveled, to connect with people in those regions. I wanted to take this trip so people can see and understand the journey.

nocheLatina: Who came up with the idea to travel and film this?

Residente: I came up with the idea. Initially, the idea was just to travel and learn. It would show a lot of the music and how they’re mix with different instruments to create a unique touch. I thought that we could use this to inform others.

nocheLatina: What were some of the things that you learned during this trip?

Residente: Every country has a different dialect, different stories, landscapes, and sounds. Those are the things that connect us. That mix, not fusion, adds to the music in all of Latin America.

nocheLatina: What were some of the more interesting places you visited during this journey?

Residente: Every place is interesting. We rode by horse in Peru. We were in the middle of a lake on one of the highest locations in the world, at least 12,000 feet, which was great.

nocheLatina: Did you feel the spirituality of the places you went?

Residente: Not really, you feel what you want to feel. It was more about peace and learning for me.

nocheLatina: Tell us about some of the differences in musical styles for each country you visited?

Residente: I learned more from the indigenous people. I love it. The land to them is a matter of respecting it. I learned that musically you have so many different cultures in one country. For instance, in Colombia you have one area which contains an African community. In Nevada you also have indigenous groups, or Lebanese in another. There’s so many cultures in one place.

nocheLatina: Do you feel you have expanded your knowledge by traveling abroad as opposed to spending your early years in one island?

Residente: I always wanted to travel. I didn’t have the money or the time then. Now I have the money to travel to places. I felt that I needed this to have more credibility in my lyrics.

nocheLatina: How different is the music in South America?

Residente: I knew some of the music because in Puerto Rico you have African heritage. Some music was similar, but in Colombia you had a different cuadannado. In Peru, los Charrango was just like in Argentina, along with different parts of Colombia and Mexico.

nocheLatina: Were you seeking anything in particular during this journey?

Residente: I was looking for the real world to educate myself. I disconnected myself from the outside world. I needed that.

nocheLatina: What do you hope people take away from this film?

Residente: I think music serves as information. People can take what they want from it. Historically, we are not telling a story. It’s a film-our first. It’s not even a documentary really. It’s more like information we are putting out.

nocheLatina: How were some of the ways you traveled?

Residente: Sometimes we traveled like immigrant style, crossing borders. Sometimes we went by train or car. We walked often. There were some dangerous times which were not recorded, where security was tighter. In some places we had to get permission, but it was generally not a problem.

nocheLatina: How do you feel about your first film effort?

Residente: I feel it’s a good effort for a first film. I recorded it for people to watch. I am writing for another project. I would like to do more films. I didn’t direct this one. Instead, I narrated and put in some ideas. Keep in mind that it was an unofficial first time for me.

nocheLatina: What is the final word on this project and the impact you hope to make with it?

Residente: I hope that Sin Mapa can give inspiration to other groups. This film may also help in bringing more interest to our new album and giving us chances to do more shows. I believe Sin Mapa will allow us the ability to express ourselves without boundaries.



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Mensaje  j053777 Sáb Ago 01, 2009 2:35 pm

Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing
Usuario Activo
Usuario Activo

Cantidad de envíos : 504
Edad : 39
Localización : CR
Fecha de inscripción : 19/02/2009

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Mensaje  Realeza_Mexico Lun Ago 03, 2009 2:42 pm

si jaja gracias por la traduccion

Cantidad de envíos : 1352
Edad : 35
Localización : Mexico DF
Fecha de inscripción : 02/12/2008

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